Thursday, December 18, 2008

Home for Christmas...

So I'm home for Christmas.... 

What a time. The first three days of my vacation I slept in three different time zones... I'm not going to lie that was a little tolling on my body. I'm here though, finally home. It's funny though I think of home as Rexburg, Idaho, more than I think of home here where I am. My mother is in Iran, my father in Louisiana, and my brother in Atlanta... I've moved around quite a few times so it's hard to choose a place where I'd call home... Where in this world do I feel most at home? In this snowy little town called Rexburg... 

I decided that I love the snow, but I can't drive in it and that's why I hate it. I have a very light weight car so it seems to swish around even when I'm careful! It scares me! SO that is why I would ever disown the snow, because of my own fault of not being able to drive in it. 

I love trying to figure things out and realizing that in the end it's only but faith that will help me carry me on

I love Christmas. I love my Savior and the time of year he brings at this moment. It's such a wonderful time to be in. 

Basically I've done nothing exciting though just chillin out at home. It's nice. Well hope to have some exciting things to put up soon! 


your one and true Flower 

listen to this song it's beautiful:

1 comment:

John said...

Serious? I love driving in the snow, it is so much fun! Especially when you do emergency break turns! Cept, Katie gets upset when I do, so now I can only really do them when after I drop her off at work...

Hope you're having fun in Louisiana!