Friday, April 18, 2008

Let your soul soar!

So everyone is getting onto me for not putting up pictures on my blog... This is one of my favorites. I took this on sunday. It was a beautiful sunday and I had alot of pondering to do about life so I did what any other BYU-Idaho student would do... took a walk to the temple grounds. I feel like it's almost cliche to go to the temple grounds when you are stressed and feel like you need a break from the rest of the world, but you know who cares. I love the temple it brings peace into my life. Even just being on the grounds make my soul soar. I love it. But yeah....

So that's the beautiful Rexburg Temple! So the picture below is me and my roommates. My bestfriend, Lindsay Cartin got married Saturday!! At that temple!!?!?! It was sooo beautiful! That's me with the black hair on the far right of the picture. The one in the middle is my gorgeous roommate Jaclyn and the other side, the blonde is my beautiful roommate Sarah. I LOVE THOSE GIRLS...

Well... it's late I'm tired I'll add more later

1 comment:

Nicole said...

YOU ADDED PICTURES!!! It's about time!! YAY!! You look BEAUTIFUL!!! :)