Friday, February 6, 2009

Side Effects...

Warning Sign

Be careful there are many side effects to this life....
SO I've been thinking a lot about my life lately. I'm on this medicine right now and they just put me on a higher dosage and I've been exhausted. I'm really tired all the time and my doctor thinks that it could be the medicine I'm taking because I'm healthy.... They've taken so many tests on my little body and I'm apparently one of the healthiest people ever! ha ha... I hope I figure out what's wrong with me soon.... 

So about life... I've been thinking a lot about of my life.... It's really interesting... In my little bubble world many people think that at my age I should be married or I should be in a steady relationship... it's not that I don't want to be in one it's just that there hasn't been an opportunity in my life were me and a boy have had the same amount of feelings for each other to commit. I'm actually really happy about my life though. I work really hard to get good grades,  I have wonderful friends that love me, I have a healthy family, I am blessed with with this amazing gospel, with my amazing opportunities to serve on this campus, with my amazing opportunity to be given a scholarship to go to school here. I do love so much to be here in Rexburg. 

For the side effects... There are people that think of me as being odd and look down at me for not being  in a relationship! I feel like that is something that I have left in the hands of Heavenly Father. I'm social enough, most people at my school if they don't know me personally know of me... things will work out... I know they will 


Ashley said...

Orchid! Things will work out, and they will be AMAZING for you!!! I love you!

Anonymous said...

It's gonna be different for you, you're on your own time frame... because it's not gonna be everyday that a man amazing enough for you comes along! Men will come and go in your life... but only a precious few are truly cool enough for YOU Orchid! Your sweetie will be one hot, spiritual powerhouse... :)